ISO13584 PLib Dictionary for Research and Studies

Introduction to the compilation for PLib Dictionary

This website has presentation ,for a compilation procedure of a dictionary conforming to ISO standards, the so-called PLib dictionary, dedicatedly for a mechanical element of parts.
First, a standardized identification hierarchy of the parts is constructed on the basis of ISO 13584-42, and then a new compilation procedure of the PLIB dictionary is described, which consists of
(i) assigning BSU (Basic Semantic Unit) codes to each family and each property of of parts as well as to each incidence of property to family, and
(ii) constructing a physical file on the basis of ISO 10303-21 by means of a mapping system developed originally by the authors.

Purpose of study
A Compilation Procedure of PLib Dictionary for Constructing Product Database

Subject of study
ISO13584-42:Description methodology:Methdology for structuring part families

Status of standardization
The standardization of product databases is now executed through ISO TC184/SC4/WG2, where the compilation of "Parts Library" dictionaries conforming to ISO13584-42 .
PLib dictionaries, has been performed for a number of components. For example, the ECALS Dictionary of "Electronic Parts" and the JEMIMA Dictionary of "Measuring Instruments" have been accomplished by JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association) and JEMIMA (Japan Electric Measuring Instruments Manufacturers' Association), respectively .
On the other hand, actual works of compiling PLib dictionaries of "Fasteners" and "Cutting Tools" have been achieved, both authorized as ISO13584-511 and ISO13399-60, respectively .
Also, IEC SC3D have been achieved, authorized as IEC 61360 Dictionary of "IEC reference collection" .

Outline of compilation procedure
In this presentation, the PLib compilation process begins with the parts included in the paper catalogs of some suppliers. Specifically, a compilation procedure is executed through the following steps.
[Step 1]: Extract all the classes and properties of parts from paper catalogs of the above some suppliers.
[Step 2]: Describe matrix of properties v.s. families
[Step 3]: Compose a family hierarchy by structuring families of parts, according to ISO13584-42 .
[Step 4]: Organize the key information of families and properties into four Excel Sheets to enable automatic generation of instances of EXPRESS specification.
[Step 5]: Map entries of four Excel Sheets to instances of EXPRESS specification.
[Step 6]: Transform these instances to STEP physical file in accordance with ISO10303-21, resulting in a PLib dictionary.

Subsequently, an ISO-compliant multi-supplier e-catalog is generated by reorganizing the original paper catalogs of some suppliers into a unified e-catalog by means of PLib dictionary elements.

[Step 1]
As the first step of the PLib compilation, execute [Step 1]; that is, extract all the classes and properties of parts from the above some catalogs.

Table 1: List of classes of gears extracted from some catalogs.
Names of Classes
Names of Classes
Ground Rack Gear
Worm Wheel
Rack Gear
Worm Gear
Spur Ring Gear
Straight Bevel Pinion
Internal Gear
Straight Bevel Miter
Control Backlash Spur Gear
Straight Bevel Gear
Mechanism of anti Backlash Spur Gear
Spiral Bevel Miter
Ground Spur Gear
Spiral Bevel Pinion
Spur Gear
Spiral Bevel Gear
Helical Gear
Hypoid Pinion
Screw Gear
Hypoid Gear

See Example
1.paper catalogs (not working yet)
2.Sample of Matrix table for creating a hierarchy(not working yet)
3.Determine Families(not working yet)
4.Sample of Spreadsheets for PLib Dictionary
5.Transform Spreadsheets to P21file (not working yet)
6.Sample of PLib Dictionary for Gear ( P21file)(not working yet)
7.Verification of the P21files by HTML-PLib files (not working yet)